Integrated with all of your favorite tools.

Seamlessly connect Wrangle tickets and workflows with your systems of record.

Featured integration

Our native integration with Zendesk, instantly connects Wrangle, Slack, and your Zendesk instance and seamlessly updates ticket details and chat conversations in real-time. Data is auto-mapped and kept up to date with no work from you. No need for context switching. Work where you want, without missing a thing.

How we integrate

Instantly update and drive action in the apps you use every day.

Custom Integrations

Natively connect to key tools like Zendesk, linking all ticket details and chat conversations in real time.

Slack Connector Functions

Wrangle is the only Slack-native ticketing tool trusted with a Connector. Easily launch Wrangle tickets and connect us to other apps within Slack.

No Code

Leverage Zapier to build custom workflows without the need for engineers.

Our fully-documented API makes it easy to build custom applications and connections between Wrangle and your internal systems and ecosystem of tools.

Curious about how we integrate?

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