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Wrangle Selected as "Featured" App by Slack's Staff

‍Slack has selected Wrangle as a Featured app on the Slack App Directory for May 2021.

June 3, 2021

Article Summary

Slack has selected Wrangle as a Featured app on the Slack App Directory for May 2021.  We are thrilled to be picked by Slack's Staff as a Featured app alongside Google Calendar and Zoom.

Wrangle selected as a "Featured App" by Slack

Slack App Directory

Slack has over 2,400 apps in their directory and more than 500,000 custom apps on their platform. According to Slack, 95% of Slack users say that apps make Slack more valuable to them. You can find Wrangle's app directory listing here.

"Given the great apps and services in the Slack App Directory, it's a huge honor to be a Featured App by Slack's Staff." - Adam Long, co-founder,

Working with Slack has been a great experience. From their engineering to their marketing teams, it has been a true partnership.

We believe in their mission of making work simpler, more pleasant and more productive. This belief is why we chose to build our workflow productivity software on top of their platform and to deeply integrate with Slack's Workflow Builder.

Wrangle and Slack

At Wrangle, we want to make work more productive and help drive faster decisions through better workflows in Slack. We are proud to have helped thousands of Slack users Wrangle their recurring approval workflows and help tickets and we're excited to continue growing our features and partnership with Slack!

Wrangle Featured by Slack

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  • Try Wrangle free for 14 days
  • Turn messages into trackable tickets
  • Build a scalable help desk
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Create a scalable helpdesk in Slack. Automatically turn messages into trackable tickets and provide faster, more transparent service to your colleagues and customers with Wrangle — Try it free!

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